Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Artist Spotlight: Rosa Lee

Check out Rosa Lee's interview about how she views art, and what she enjoys working on!

Q: Why did you choose to become an artist?
A: Art has always been a part of my life since my earliest memories. I don't know if I can say I chose to be an artist or it's just who I am. I would say it's both for me. It's the realization and acceptance that I could never think in any way other than as an artist, someone who expresses ideas through art, beauty and design.

Q: What kind of art do you like to do?
A: I enjoy doing many forms of art from drawing to photography.

Q: What did you find the most interesting while working on the Mother Hale Project?
A: It's very interesting how such an important community figure whose made such a large impact in the care of drugs and HIV/AIDS victims (children) has been largely forgotten. She showed that genuinely caring for someone can change their lives and give them hope. She was awarded by President Reagan and was invited to many places to teach about and how to create a successful foster care home. During the course of researching this project I learned of her courage for taking in and caring for children infected with a disease that was feared and little was known about. She gave mothers time to beat their drug addiction so they could care for their children again once they were ready and those children grew up under their parent's care. It's interesting that what ultimately helped the children and adults was simply love. A simple yet complex emotion that an institution can not give to people who need its nourishment to grow from.

Q: What do you hope to accomplish with the Mother Hale Project?
A: I hope the project would teach people about Mother Hale and her philosophy of good old fashioned love. Love can give hope, break down barriers, and change the future.
Q: Where do you see yourself as an artist's in 10 years?
A:  I see myself as a successful artist doing the art I love, solving problems through my art. 

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