Monday, April 2, 2012

Artist Spotlight Week: Danielle C. McManus

This weeks Artist Spotlight is Danielle C. McManus! Read her interview below!

Q: Why did you choose to become an artist?
A: Well I think I became an artist becomes I love to create.  It's apart of my personality and I never really thought of being anything else and I thought drawing was something everyone did everyday. As a kid I always wanted new crayons, and paper, and fortunately my parents encouraged and supported me. They signed me up for specialty art classes and just allowed me to have the freedom of creating all the time. It has been a real blessing.

Q: What kind of art do you like to do?
A: I love to do all different kinds of art! From painting, to  going out on location and doing reportage drawings,  and children's books. Recently I have been working on a major project about the Underground Railroad. The fact that I can draw out my history is amazing. 

Q: What did you find the most interesting while working on the Mother Hale Project?
A: I think what I found most interesting was that I had never heard of her! It made me realize how many important people have gone unnoticed in the world! This project also allowed me to do something different with my art and take my art into a new direction. I played with fabric, cut paper, oil paint, and woodcuts. The graphics of the information allowed me to really play with the graphics and different kinds of graphics. It really added to me as an artist.

Q: What do you hope to accomplish with the Mother Hale Project?
A: With this project I would love to share my knowledge about Mother Hale with my art. I hope it will educate people and allow them to learn about someone they may not have ever heard of.

Q: Where do you see yourself as an artist's in 10 years?
A: I see myself writing more children's books and definitely traveling to other countries and states to do some drawings. I want to be the kind of artist that just has fun!

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